kids4school is truly a charity with a difference. WE CHANGE LIVES

kids4school projects

kids4school is a multifaceted ministry which primarily enables children to go to school.  
But along with child sponsorship we operate a feeding program, and are involved in many different construction and training projects.

The kids4school Trustees decided to help our sponsor families by building some basic houses for them. Previous to this they live in mud-block houses with mud and stick roof. Not very water-tight at all and no security.


kids4school is supporting special needs schools at Hombolo, Buigiri and Dodoma Deaf School.  The children in these schools are blind, partially sighted, disabled, Albino and deaf.

kids4school will continue over the next few years to develop their 18 acre site close to the kids4school lodge.  The work is done in phases.

Many of the students, have to walk miles just to get to school – on an empty stomach! Can you imagine?

Their parents are farmers and times are tough – families are battling through to the next harvest two or three months from now. That is if the crops can survive that long. When they get home this evening, there will be little on the table – some porridge, if they are lucky. All this, and exams to pass.

Students who are registered on the sponsorship program get the uniforms and books that are necessary to attend school.  They also are provided with a daily meal at the kids4school feeding stations.  They attend schools that have benefited greatly by the wider work of kids4school and its sponsors – classrooms have been renovated, new toilets blocks built and water storage tanks constructed to provide schools with clean and safe water.

Primary & Secondary Education is available in Tanzania.  However, in order to attend school each pupil is required to have a school uniform and necessary books.

Because of the extreme poverty that families find themselves in, it is impossible for them to raise the necessary funds so their children can get the start in life if they are to get out of the poverty trap they are in.

Who We Are

kids4school is an Evangelical, Nondenominational, Christian Ministry.

We believe in brief that:

God: There is one God, existing eternally in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

The Father: a spirit, infinite, eternal, and unchangeable in attributes

The Son: is true God and true man, conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary.  He lived a sinless life, died an atoning death, and was bodily resurrected, ascended, and His imminent return for His bride, the Church.

The Holy Spirit: is a divine Person who, indwells, guides, teaches, and empowers the believer, and convinces the world of sin, of righteousness and of judgment

The Bible: inspired by the Holy Spirit, inerrant in the original writings and our guide and final authority in faith and life.

Salvation: is by grace, through faith in the shed blood of our Lord Jesus Christ as the sole means of attaining eternal life.

Humankind: was originally created in the image and the likeness of God, fell through disobedience, incurring thereby both physical and spiritual death. All people are born with a sinful nature, are separated from the life of God, and can be saved (Born Again) only through the atoning work of the Lord Jesus Christ.

In seeking to show the love of Christ, kids4school will strive to meet the physical and spiritual needs of people regardless of their age, race, gender, colour or religion

Meet The TEAM

Picture of Rev Tom Robinson

Rev Tom Robinson

Director & Founder of kids4school
‘Tom has been involved with Missions for over 34 years. His passion and love for Mission work continues through kids4school with education and practical support for the children of Tanzania’

Picture of Louise Long Boswell

Louise Long Boswell

Board Member (Secretary)
Louise is kids4school United States Director.
Louise lives in Gaithersburg, Maryland

Picture of Gary Casto

Gary Casto

Board Member (Treasurer)
Gary has over 30 years experience in ministry and lives in Nashville, Tennessee.
Since June 2005 he has been the owner and lead singer in Tribute Quartet

Tribute Quartet


Rita Morrow - Team Member

Tanzania was a long way from home but since going there in July, it will remain in my heart for a long time. The people are so friendly and the kids so eager for attention that you cant help but fall in love with them. If you are thinking about going on future trips be warned you might feel an urge to adopt a child and bring them home with you! In addition to that, you will be truly blessed by the experience of sharing Gods love with them and if nothing else the beauty of that wonderful country will leave you speechless. Why not find out for yourself by taking Gods word to others, going in faith and in the words of a gospel song, “Get out of the boat start walking on the water”

Jane Scott - Team Member

To be able to see the difference kids4school is making first hand and how many children are able to attend school through sponsorship is really amazing. We all were able to meet the children that we sponsor to go to school and that was very emotional for most of us on the team too. I got real pleasure in sharing Gods Word in story form with the children at schools and loved the Sunday worship at Kitelera Church and their youth band is amazing at singing and dancing and the whole service was a blessing.

I had an unforgettable trip to the beautiful country of Tanzania with Kids4school and would highly recommend it to anyone who was thinking about going in the future and in fact most of our team said that we would love to be able to do it again. Thank you kids4school for giving me the most amazing experience in my life.

Support us today

By supporting the kids4school programme –
you are giving a start and an opportunity for a future to children in Tanzania, Africa.

Our commitment 100%

If you would like to financially support the work of kids4school you can do so with confidence.

100% of sponsorship goes to Tanzania.


Why not join kids4school in a life changing Trip to Africa?

Dates are being organised
book early to keep your cost down.